About Me
Hi! I am a second-year Master’s student in Robotics at the GRASP Laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania, advised by Prof. Dinesh Jayaraman and Prof. Kostas Daniilidis. My research interests lie at the intersection of robot learning and 3D computer vision, with a focus on enabling robots to learn from humans and adapt to diverse, unstructured environments.
Previously, I earned my bachelor’s degree in Intelligent Manufacturing from SHIEN-MING WU School of Intelligent Engineering, South China University of Technology in 2023. I graduated from Liaoning Province Shiyan High School in 2019.
ZeroMimic: Distilling Robotic Manipulation Skills from Web Videos
Zhuolun Zhao*, Junyao Shi*, Tianyou Wang, Jason Ma, Dinesh Jayaraman
Embedded Multi-Material 3D Printing System
Tianyou Wang, Yixin Li, Yong Zhong
Graduation Thesis (Translated) Video
Train Speed Optimization Based on Lagrangian Relaxation Algorithm
Chuyao Zhang*, Tianyou Wang*, Yifan Feng
Fault Diagnosis of Permanent Magnet Motor based on DCGAN-RCCNN
Dong Zhang, Zhaoqiu Ning, Bai Yang, Tianyou Wang, YangJuan Ma
Selected Project
Novel Environment Generalization of Action-Chunking Transformer Visuomotor Policy
Presented GDN-ACT, a scalable learning paradigm that integrates a General Distillation Network (GDN) with an Action-Chunking Transformer (ACT), enabling zero-shot deployment to five unseen, unstructured environments for bimanual grasping tasks.
Closed-loop Control for a Subway Seat Cleaning Robot Manipulator
Deployed an extended Cartesian impedance control algorithm for a subway seat cleaning robot manipulator, enabling precise force tracking and efficient motion on surfaces.
Intelligent Logistic Robot Car
Designed and built an intelligent Mecanum-wheeled car with advanced sensors and a manipulator, capable of obstacle avoidance, line tracking, object detection, grasping, and unloading tasks.
Wireless Charging Robot Car
Developed a wireless charging smart tracking car capable of dynamic charging, efficient black-line tracking, lap broadcasting, and power display.
2019-2023 B.E. in Intelligent Manufacturing, South China University of Technology
2023-present M.S. in Robotics, University of Pennsylvania
Come soon…… HAHAHAHAHA